Material District

Werkspoorkathedraal | Utrecht 12-03 t/m 14-03

Which (building) materials can we make from ‘waste’, what are the latest biobased materials that I can use for my next project, which products are made from 100% recycled material, what are the latest trends in materials? MaterialDistrict Utrecht gives you answers to all these questions and is the only annual event in the Netherlands that brings together material manufacturers and specifiers of materials from all sectors of spatial design.

The 18th edition of MaterialDistrict Utrecht will take place from 12 – 14 March 2024 in Werkspoorkathedraal, Utrecht. With presentations from 150 manufacturers, start-ups and designers, exhibitions with the latest materials and a line-up of 50 inspiring speakers, a visit offers you the unique opportunity to see and touch the latest materials and products with your own eyes, to meet suppliers and find out more about the latest developments in the field of sustainability and (interior) architecture.